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Roasting as usual. 12% cashback for every 3 items purchased, or 15% cashback once order exceed RM350.


Indonesia - Raja Harimau Lintong - Onan Ganjang

From RM40.00 MYR

Colombia - Luz Helena - 200hrs Anaerobic Fermentation

From RM35.00 MYR

Ethiopia - Duwencho G/H/D Buna Amrach - Natural (Underscreen Selection) - CoE 2021 #2 Farm

From RM40.00 MYR

Ethiopia - Refisa - Extended Fermentation Washed

From RM37.50 MYR

Ethiopia - Niguse Gemeda Mude - Slow Shade Drying (COE Winner #1, 2020)

From RM37.50 MYR

Ethiopia - Kercha Sakicha - Pile Up Processing

From RM27.50 MYR

Bolivia - Kusillo - Java Natural by Fincas Los Rodriguez

From RM30.00 MYR

Java - Frinsa Rujak Bebeg - 336 hours Fermentation (COE Farm #17, 2023)

From RM23.50 MYR

Panama - Mi Finquita - Caturra Natural - Beny Lot

From RM30.00 MYR

Nicaragua - Finca Dios Todo Poderoso - Maracaturra

From RM50.00 MYR

Nicaragua - Los Placeres - Javanica Pulp Natural

From RM50.00 MYR

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