"Upon grinding reveals fragrances of orange peel and ripe peach intertwined with the aroma of dried cranberries. Upon tasting, notes of citrusy orange, hints of floral scents take the forefront, accompanied by flavors reminiscent of honey and black tea. In the aftertaste, the essence of peach lingers, providing a clean and delicate finish."
Fugi Washing Station, hailing from Rwanda, stands out as a highly coveted variety. It is the brainchild of Emmanuel Rusatira, a renowned Rwandan coffee processor with a remarkable journey spanning 17 years in the industry. Emmanuel's coffee empire comprises a total of 10 washing stations strategically positioned across Rwanda.
The Fugi washing station finds its home in the southern province of Nyaruguru district. Historically, up until 2019, their production focused on three processing methods: washed, honey, and natural. However, in 2019, they embarked on a journey of experimentation, introducing a fermentation process to their coffee production. By melding local processing techniques with global aspirations, their unique processing method has yielded an uncommon flavor profile that may be unconventional for local preferences but has garnered great appreciation in international markets.
Situated at an elevation of 1750 meters above sea level, the farms surrounding the Fugi washing station played host to around 950 smallholder farmers in 2021. On average, each of these farmers tended to roughly 600 coffee trees, with each tree contributing about 3kg of cherries per season. The red bourbon coffee variety, a staple in Rwanda, was the exclusive produce from these farmers.
Upon arrival at the washing station, the cherries undergo meticulous sorting, with a premium paid for the red ones. Defective cherries are promptly discarded. Subsequently, the coffee cherries are subjected to a soaking process in a tank, during which the floaters are separated for further processing, usually for the lower grade coffee.
This offering differ from the previous INTANGO process, the current process presents an innovative approach. The current process is an Anaerobic Natural Process. The chosen ripe cherries find their initial abode within a sealed steel tank, undergoing a 100-hour fermentation process. Post-fermentation, the cherries are carefully rinsed to eliminate excess yeast generated during fermentation. This meticulous step controls the level of fermentation intensity, ultimately influencing the cup profile. After drying, the cherries are rested before being hulled.
Variety : Red Bourbon
Altitude : 1750 masl
Process : Anaerobic Natural 100hrs
Origin : Nyaruguru