"This coffee that we have is processed as yellow honey. With the combination of acidity in the SL-28 variety and the added body of what yellow honey usually produce, the ground coffee has an aroma of smoked plum and cranberry aroma. At first sip, Blackcurrants and Cranberry. Dried redberries with Roselle flavour in the midsection. The coffee is sweet, full bodied with bright acidity."
Don Joel is a micromill & a coffee farm located in the West Valley of Costa Rica sits at 1600 masl . Don Joel is the Patron of the family, when he passed away, his son Allan Oveido Rodriguez took over the farm. The actual farm was divided in to two when Don Joel passed away, Snr Allan got half and the other half went to Don Joel’s brother’ family. Long before the farm was named after the patron, the Farm is known as La Cumbre.
Allan has been producing and farming coffee for the past 20 years. He grew up in a coffee family and learnt coffee production the classic way with his father, Don Joel. Coffee farming is not always an easy endevour, Allan saw such poor returns, demanding job and ever-increasing cost of living. When he inherited the farm, he did a lot of changes with an aim to improve his family living condition. During the early years, Allan used to work as taxi driver in San Jose in the evening and managing the farm during the day to make ends meet.
Allan began to be more experimental and focus on the detail & recordkeeping. When traceability and data is available, he was able to learn quickly and keep improving his farm. When fortune began to improve Allan decided to build his own Micromill and naming after his father, Don Joel. To this day, the farm is known as Don Joel. Subsequently, he began to replanting with exotics such as Catuai, Caturra, Villa Sarchi, Kenia and Geisha. Allan began to participate in the Cup of Excellence in 2017 where he was placed as no #29 scoring 86.29 for his Caturra Honey process coffee.
Since the establishment of the Micromill, he was able to control more in the production and began to experiment with his processes to produce best result and began to prosper. He was able to purchase back his father old farm from his uncle and renamed it Finca Caramela which focus on the production of Villa Sarchi and Typica Variety.
In 2021, he participated again in the Costa Rica Cup of Excellence program and he was placed at #18 for his San Roque Kenya variety scoring 88. The San Roque Kenya is in fact an SL 28 variety which made its way to CATIE (Costa Rica) which collect important coffee genetic in the world. This variety yields a large amount of naturally occurring phosphoric acid which created a tactile feel rather than flavour leads to a mouthwatering & juicy texture that lights up the palate.
Variety : SL 28
Altitude : 1600masl
Process : Yellow Honey
Origin : Grecia, San Luis