Ethiopia - Duwencho G/H/D Bunna Amrach - Carbonic Macerated (CoE 2021 #2 Farm)

"Ground to a strong peachy, honeyed pineapple, lychee, and floral aroma. Sipping it, you'll experience the sweet lychee, peach, and floral notes, followed by the sweet flavor of honeyed pineapple. Next comes grape gum, rosehip tea, and a vibrant blend of peach, honeyed pineapple, lychee, and floral tones, creating a full-bodied and powerful taste."
The Duwencho G/H/D Bunna Amrach is a cooperative comprised of 116 coffee farmers, established in early 2021 in Dawancho kebele, Arbegona woreda, situated in the high-altitude region of Arbe Guna zone within the Sidama region of Ethiopia. The average elevation of this area is 2300 meters above sea level, and the coffee cultivated here is of the 74110 variety. These farmers employ organic farming practices, resulting in a distinct and aromatic flavor profile.
The union was founded by Mulugeta Muntasha, a coffee supplier with 17 years of experience. It originated after Mulugeta collaborated with 100 other farmers from Arbegona. Annually, the union produces approximately 60 tons of naturally processed coffee, which is then sent to local trading houses in Addis Ababa and Hawassa.
Recent changes in Ethiopian government regulations have allowed traders to move and export coffee without going through the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX). The Duwencho union is seizing this opportunity to introduce its microlots and coffee to the international market, demonstrating that Ethiopia offers a diverse range of coffee beyond the well-known Yirgacheffe, Guji, and Sidama varieties.
Despite facing financial challenges and the difficulties posed by the pandemic, the union submitted its coffee samples to the 2021 Cup of Excellence (CoE), where its naturally processed coffee from Dawencho achieved second place. This achievement enabled the union to sell its coffee at USD 53.60 per pound and accelerate its international business expansion.
During the harvest, ripe coffee cherries are sent to the washing station. A premium price is paid for these ripe cherries, which are often selected for experimental processes. In the Carbonic Maceration (CM) process, the cherries are placed inside a poly drum and inoculated with yeast. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is then purged while the tank is sealed. The elevated levels of CO2 expedite the breakdown of sugars, acids, and lipids, creating a distinctive bubblegum-like flavor on the palate. The infusion of CO2 serves to control the reaction of the yeast and bacteria on free sugars, resulting in a shift in the naturally produced acids. This imparts a heavier taste note of syrupy sweetness and enhances the coffee's texture.
Variety : 74110
Altitude : 2300 masl
Process : Carbonic Macerated
Origin: Duwancho, Arbegona